Henna Tattoo is one of the earliest Practices – Mehendi Updates

Henna tattoo is one of the earliest practices of the people from the Middle East Asian countries that were passed on from generation to generation and advances to today’s modern genre of body painting and artistic expression. People back then, particularly the women wear different designs; it was a tradition for weddings and festivities. When celebrities like Demi Moore and Madonna started it, during the late 80’s that it became so popular and then, later it became a fashion rage not just in Great Britain and United States but all over the world.


There are numerous different kinds of mehndi accessible, for example Pakistani mehndi, Indian mehndi, Rajistani mehndi and Arabic mehndi to name three. It is believed that the art of applying henna on body has been in existence for more than 5000 years, though there isn’t much proof to back this state. There are historians that consider that the Mughals brought this art to India, but there are also others that believe that the art in fact originated in India itself.


Decide where you would like to place your tattoo and take time to evaluate the selected design and its effect on the particular portion of your body. All artists keep their own file of tattoo designs. Take time to browse through it, listing your possible choice and then make a shortlist until you lastly choose one. In this way, you are sure that you will enjoy and appreciate your henna tattoo as long as it lasts. Select heavy colors for your henna tattoo if you desire it to last longer. Pale colors tend to diminish and fade quickly.


It is believed that Henna has a natural curing property that our antique ancestors have used for the past several years. Henna application is helpful for medical interventions to help in a therapeutic way in burns, ulcer, headaches, sores and skin diseases. Application of human made paste Henna to the skin gives a cooling effect action that helps defend skin certain fungi and bacteria. Henna can also be used for hair dye, aside from its healing properties; henna is also great for coloring hair and scalp treatment. It is an all natural dye color that is very safe and calm to apply on the hair. Henna also helps in hair growth and comes as a good source of hair conditioner that strengthens the hair roots and gives shine and radiance.

Five Healing benefits of Mehendi

The earliest art of mehndi, or applying henna has received plenty of fans in the past decade of so for its flexibility and convenience in terms of application of the henna. Moreover, recognized as a type of temporary tattoo, the henna that is applied on body parts are also highly appealing and attractive in terms of looks, thus they have emerged as fashion statements of their own. There are also various healing benefits of applying the henna on your body.


To know why we first need to know that Mehndi or Henna is a tall plant that resembles a shrub and grows in hot, dry climates like the North Africa, Sudan, Pakistan, India and countries of the Middle East. To get the dye, the leaves are taken and dried and then ground into powder, turned into paste and then applied to the skin. Firstly, the color of the stain it leaves is orange in color, however, within 24 hours that stain will turn a reddish brown.


Healing benefits of Mehendi:


  1. Apply it for first and second degree burns by applying it in the type of paste or powder to the affected area whereby it decreases pain, reduces fluid loss which is a critical aspect is the burnt area is large and it is germicidal and anti-microbial effect which stop infection. It has been observed that the henna sticks to the burnt area until it cures which is brilliant as it works as a natural dressing or bandage.


  1. Mehendi is an outstanding remedy for several skin allergies. It can be used in case of hives, boils, swellings and other types of inflammation. Applying Mehendi on the skin cools the skin and removes the signs of the allergy.


  1. If the paste of Henna is applied on nails, the luster of the nails increases and if applied on soles and feet, is effective in burning feet syndrome.


  1. Mehendi is perfectly natural as henna is made of natural ingredients only, thus they are safe and hazard free. You could apply it as much as you want to without having to worry about harmful side effects such as skin problems, contrary to other tattoos that would leave scars and hurt your skin as well.


  1. When mehendi applied on open wounds or ulcers, it relieves pain and nourishes and heals the injured part. This is why it is suggested for use by diabetic patients as it fills in cracks at the heel if any, and heals ulcers that are hard to cure otherwise. When used for gargling it cures mouth ulcers, tongue, cheeks and lips.


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